Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Les chaises (The chairs)

by Eugene Ionesco

directed by Jean Dautremay

The Old Man and the Old Woman live alone on their island. There this elderly couple passes the time playing make-believe games and setting up chairs for invisible guests who have come to hear the Old Man’s message to the world on the meaning of life. This « tragic farce » known as theatre of the absurd, presents a view of human existence as essentially meaningless and of a world in which true communication is impossible. One of Ionesco’s masterpieces, it was first performed on the 24th of April 1952. The play is performed by Michel Robin et Clotilde de Bayser , two wonderful actors from the famous Comédie-Française.

Page précédente >> La nuit du 21 juin (The night of June the (...)
Page suivante >> Littoral (Tideline)

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Théâtre le Quai [vert] ~[/vert] 17 rue de la Tannerie — 49100 Angers [vert] ~[/vert] Tél. 02 44 01 22 44 — Fax 02 44 01 22 55

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