Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Notre terreur (Our revolution)

collective creation by d’ores et déjà

directed by Sylvain Creuzevault

After their memorable play Père Tralalère, the NTA is proud to coproduce the new saga performed by Sylvain Creuzevault and his team about the French Revolution. The starting point relies on the individual commitment of eleven actors and six technicians, drawing material from historic sources, minutes of meetings of the Convention, writings of 19th century historians, 20th century poets such as Bertolt Brecht or Heiner Müller... At the core of the play, Robespierre, the incorruptible hero for some, the bloodthirsty tyrant for others. From his final speech to the guillotine, the destiny of the Republic topples over.
Sylvain Creuzevault and his company’s project explore the issue of power in the French revolution but also within the theatre and the process of creation. The NTA is coproducing this play which has been rehearsed during a long residence in our Theatre Le Quai.

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Théâtre le Quai [vert] ~[/vert] 17 rue de la Tannerie — 49100 Angers [vert] ~[/vert] Tél. 02 44 01 22 44 — Fax 02 44 01 22 55

Design, conception & réalisation SPIP : Comme toujours