Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Nouveau Théâtre d’Angers-Centre dramatique national Pays de la Loire

Yaacobi and Leidenthal

de Hanokh Levin

mise en scène Frédéric Bélier-Garcia

Yaacobi decides it’s time to "get a life". He’s got to stop playing dominos, break with his best friend, and find a muse. But this path fraught with danger, such as women who claim to be pianists, and friends who offer themselves as a wedding gift. In this zany, tender, highly entertaining and offbeat romantic comedy, Levin translates the classic love triangle into an unforgettably bitter-sweet cabaret show. As we watch this tale unfold, we identify with each of the three characters in turn, and recognize in their wooly-minded strategies our own attempts to get a hold on life - or at least to feel as though we’re alive. This hilarious play is back in Angers with a new musical score written by Reinhardt Wagner, and the tour will include Paris’Théâtre du Rond-Point, Lyon, Marseille and Nantes...

Page précédente >> Vaches noires (Black cows)
Page suivante >> Œdipe

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Théâtre le Quai [vert] ~[/vert] 17 rue de la Tannerie — 49100 Angers [vert] ~[/vert] Tél. 02 44 01 22 44 — Fax 02 44 01 22 55

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